
THz waves (terahertz waves) or THz rays (terahertz rays) were officially named from the mid-to-late 1980s. Before that, scientists would collectively call them far-infrared rays. Terahertz waves refer to electromagnetic waves with frequencies in the range of 0.1THz to 10THz, and wavelengths in the range of 0.03 to 3mm, between microwaves and infrared. In fact, as early as a hundred years ago, scientists have been involved in this band. In 1896 and 1897, Rubens and Nichols were involved in this band, and the infrared spectrum reached 9um (0.009mm) and 20um (0.02mm), and then there were records of reaching 50um. In the following nearly 100 years, far-infrared technology has achieved many achievements and has been industrialized. However, there are very few research results and data involving the terahertz band, which is mainly limited by effective terahertz generating sources and sensitive detectors, so this band is also known as the THz gap. With the development of a series of new technologies and new materials in the 1980s, especially the development of ultra-fast technology, obtaining a broadband stable pulsed THz source has become a quasi-conventional technology. Share THz research boom.

Terahertz radiation falls in between infrared radiation and microwave radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum, and it shares some properties with each of these. Terahertz radiation travels in a line of sight and is non-ionizing. Like microwaves, terahertz radiation can penetrate a wide variety of non-conducting materials; clothing, paper, cardboard, wood, masonry, plastic and ceramics. The penetration depth is typically less than that of microwave radiation. Like infrared, terahertz radiation has limited penetration through fog and clouds and cannot penetrate liquid water or metal. Terahertz radiation can penetrate some distance through body tissue like x-rays, but unlike them is non-ionizing, so it is of interest as a replacement for medical X-rays. Due to its longer wavelength, images made using terahertz waves have lower resolution than X-rays and need to be enhanced.


科學研究發現 THz太赫茲波 是宇宙「能量波」的一種
是宇宙生命共同的源動力 被稱為——生命光波














太赫兹健康水更多使用方式 / More Usage Of Terahertz Water

太赫兹健康水有五大特点 :

Terahertz healthy water has the following five characteristics:
Air sihat Terahertz mempunyai lima ciri-ciri seperti berikut :

1. 直链型水 / Straight Chain Water / Air Rantaian Lurus
    Easier absorption by human cells.
    Lebih mudah diserap oleh sel-sel manusia.

2. 底粘度 / Low Viscosity / Kelikatan rendah
太赫兹水的底粘度底为原水的 1/680, 口感柔软滑。
    The viscosity of terahertz water is reduced to 1/680 of the original water, the taste is soft and smooth, increase the rate of water absoprtion.
    Kelikatan air terahertz dikurangkan ke 1/680 daripada air biasa, rasa air adalah lembut dan licin, menambah kadar serapan air oleh sel-sel.

3. 抗辐射 / Anti-Radiation / Anti-radiasi
通过太赫兹健康水仪器处理 3 分钟后的水,抗辐射能力提升 2 倍!
    After treated the water for 3 minutes with the terahertz water device, the ability of anti-radiation is increased by 2 times!
    Selepas dirawat dengan alat sihat terahertz selama 3 minit, keupayaan anti-radiasi bertambah sebanyak 2 kali ganda!

4. 抗氧化 / Anti-oxidation / Anti-Pengoksidaan  
由于环境因素或无规律作息等这些可抗或者不可抗的因素会对人体产生过剩自由基,经过太赫兹健康水仪器处理 3 分钟后的水总抗氧化比率为 76% , 相当于抗氧化能力提高 4 倍!
    Due to environmental factors or irregular work schedules and other resistant or irresistible factors, excessive free radicals will be generated to the human body. The total antioxidant ratio of water after 3 minutes of treatment with a terahertz healthy water device is 76%, which is equivalent to an increase in antioxidant capacity 4 times!
    Disebabkan faktor-faktor persekitaran atau jadual kerja yang tidak tertentu dan tentangan lain atau faktor-faktor tarikan, radikal bebas yang berlebihan akan dihasilkan dalam badan manusia. Jumlah nisbah antioksidan air selepas dirawat dengan alat sihat terahertz selama 3 minit adalah 76%, bersamaan dengan penambahan kapasiti antioksidan sebanyak 4 kali ganda!


5. 杀菌 / Sterilization / Pensterilan
由于低频率能够对不健全或不健康的细胞形成天然的 仰制作用,该现象称为 “相消性干扰”。
    Because low frequencies can form a natural inhibitory effect on unhealthy or unhealthy cells, this phenomenon is called “destructive interference”.
    Disebabkan frekuensi rendah boleh membentuk perencatan semulajadi terhadap sel-sel yang tidak sempurna atau tidak sihat, fenomena ini digelar sebagai “penghancuran gangguan”.
