1.) Login into your member account and check 'Consumption Point / 消费积分' (example 91.52) and 'Order Point / 订货积分' (example 84.48), see whether it is sufficient for the purchase. If these two is enough for the purchase, you can perform the transaction under your member account.
2A.) If not enough 'Consumption Point / 消费积分', look for upline who has enough to help you to perform the purchase. This point CANNOT obtain and transfer from upline, has to earn through your sales transaction (15%).
2B.) If not enough 'Order Point / 订货积分', look for upline to buy 'Order Point / 订货积分' (example 84.48 Order Point / 订货积分), with condition it must have sufficient Consumption Point / Consumption Point 91.52). If not enough 'Consumption Point / 消费积分', straight away buy sufficient 'Order Point / 订货积分' 176.00 point to perform the purchase.
3.) Then carry on to perform the purchase.

4.) Income Earn
Income is earned from 50PV normal pairing of 12% from Level 3 downwards.
Left Network got 8000PV standby for pairing, Right Network got zero (0).
So, if this product is purchase from Level 3 downwards, and has to be on the Right Network,
The calculation is:
Left Network = 8000PV - 50PV = 7950PV (Remain for future normal pairing use)
50PV X 12% = 6PV
6PV X 4.5 = RM27.00
85% Encash (RM22.95) + 15% Product Wallet (RM4.05)
Note: No sponsor bonus, No Level Pairing Bonus, No Matching Bonus, No Placement Bonus & Not entitle (serve as) to open a membership account.
5.) For more information, look for your upline to understand it.