Throat / 喉咙


喉咙 / Throat

馬六甲MR POOK 喉咙有个硬塊,咳嗽要按着,医生说是肺炎症,又喝又喷太赫兹水2个星期吐血塊出来,吓坏身边人以为发生什么事,结果医生告诉他硬塊没有了,药也减少了,气色好很多也不咳了,他感恩推荐人黄美娟介绍他太赫兹水仪。❤️🙏

Malacca Mr Fook's throat with growth hardness, need to press hold on it while coughing, doctor said it is lung inflammation, keep on drinking and spraying Thz water for 2 weeks - it vomit out blood clot, frighten anyone surrounding him. After this, doctor said the throat with growth hardness is gone. Only mild medication is needed, his face look healthier and no longer coughing. He is very thankful to his introducer introduce this Thz water to him.